木曜日, 5月 05, 2011

Twilert: Evernote OR Airpen (Once 45 minites)

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  Kwhittingstall getting organized and paper off my desk with @evernote thank you Ted Duncan for pointing me here Ted Duncan
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:20:00 from TweetDeck reply view
  Tovi28 @evernote Please implement the ability to rotate images! At least for the web interface! (And Evernote for Android if possible.)
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:18:59 from TweetDeck reply view
  davidjsherman My new post - 9 Reasons I Love the Green Elephant: http://sfp.to/lDmYdV @evernote
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:17:02 from TweetDeck reply view
  GeneralForums RT @androidappsrevw Evernote for Android: Forever a Fanboy http://t.co/gjpNgVr via @androidappsrevw #Evernote #Android #droid #app
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:13:26 from reTweet.it reply view
  sole89 @antrosocial profe no se haga problema q yo le explico a @yohanabelen26 la duda q tenia, xq estamos haciendo lo de evernote
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:11:34 from web reply view
  lhio_r Sigo haciendo TPs como un condenado. Toca hacer un stop para comer y sincronizar #Evernote en el #SamsungGalaxy, el #iPodTouch y la #HP.
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:11:33 from web reply view
  basy07 【Mac、iPhone、iPadユーザーのための Evernoteパーフェクト活用ガイド/リブロワークス】を読みたい本に追加 http://bit.ly/dP3APQ #bookmeter
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:09:35 from 読書メーター reply view
  Sedonadogg @isaiah I have a script somewhere here for exporting to Evernote to archive all email
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:08:25 from kiwi reply view
  StuAV007 @streakmachine The ones i use all the time Dropbox Evernote Hazel Twitter Ripit Permute Handbrake And the usual apps iTunes iPhoto Safari
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:07:28 from Twitter for Mac reply view
  Aftersyx How To Turn Free Into Paid: Lessons From Evernote (Hypebot) http://feedzil.la/k7zl2n
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:06:58 from Newstreamer reply view
  jberthume @scgarris Mostly it was just #evernote continually crash-looping and headaches.
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:06:21 from TweetDeck reply view
  dataro 久々に机に向かってみたが、病み上がりで集中力なし。ベッドに横になって、グダグダと下らない話しでも考えるか。アイデアはevernoteに上げときゃいい。どうせ使えないだろうけどw
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:05:29 from HootSuite reply view
  dsugden RT @markpower: Scrible - annotate, organize & collaborate on web pages http://is.gd/oj6sy6 <= Looks like it does wot I expectd Evernote 2 do
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:01:34 from TweetDeck reply view
  tar7373 ★★nori510 [ソウルマッコリ]マッコリもソウルな時代だ!!Evernoteマンは勿論参加!! http://bit.ly/mdkocV
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:01:10 from twitterfeed reply view
  RyoAnnaNews ✔ nori510 [ソウルマッコリ]マッコリもソウルな時代だ!!Evernoteマンは勿論参加!! http://bit.ly/kLXrPi
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:01:10 from twitterfeed reply view
  sfriendsz ★nori510 [ソウルマッコリ]マッコリもソウルな時代だ!!Evernoteマンは勿論参加!! http://bit.ly/jUIQ9G
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:01:10 from twitterfeed reply view
  unitechy Can I sync Google docs with evernote? cc @zee @tsuvik @labnol
Wed, 04 May 2011 19:00:54 from web reply view
  polesen RT @WiredFeed: Evernote Shows Startups: 'Free' Can Pay: It might not make sense that you can make money by giving away services... http://bit.ly/j4PAhO
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:59:49 from twitterfeed reply view
  JE1970 @fonsecamonica evernote una berraquera
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:58:59 from Twitter for BlackBerry® reply view
  apodkin Перестал маяться дурью и вместо evernote теперь для списка покупок использую mobisle notes.
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:58:58 from Twitter for Android reply view
  nkind88 RT @WiredFeed: Evernote Shows Startups: 'Free' Can Pay: It might not make sense that you can make money by giving away services... http://bit.ly/j4PAhO
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:57:46 from twitterfeed reply view
  pasmory Agree, even if a user doesn't pay, must be happy :) Evernote Shows Startups: 'Free' Can Pay | Epicenter | Wired.com http://t.co/30jK4ST
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:55:30 from Tweet Button reply view
  freekymunky RT @boagworld: Do you really want to make customers tell you irrelevant stuff rather than hand you money! - http://t.co/vIUdTfv
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:55:23 from Tweet Button reply view
  fp_rss マッコリもソウルな時代だ!!Evernoteマンがまたまた参加!! http://bit.ly/lCbRRo
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:53:14 from dlvr.it reply view
  gadget7abot [ソウルマッコリ]マッコリもソウルな時代だ!!Evernoteマンは勿論参加!!: マッコリ大好き、 @nori510 です。 やわらか微炭酸ソウルマッコリが登場しています。 白くて優しいソウルマッコリ。とっても美味しかった... http://bit.ly/lJQPmv
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:53:10 from twitterfeed reply view
  kaizenjpt RT @androidappsrevw Evernote for Android: Forever a Fanboy http://t.co/gjpNgVr via @androidappsrevw #Evernote #Android #droid #app
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:52:58 from reTweet.it reply view
  ono03 Evernoteに1日勉強したことを記録すると、勉強しなきゃという気になるからいいよね。そして、たまった記録は自信への裏打ちにもなる。
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:51:54 from Keitai Web reply view
  DNN_1  マッコリもソウルな時代だ!!Evernoteマンがまたまた参加!! http://bit.ly/k0kHoU #AGAbot #doncabot
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:51:31 from dlvr.it reply view
  nori510 Evernoteマン! RT @OZPA: ブログ書いたー [飲んだ]GW合宿記 その9「サントリー ソウル マッコリは爽やかな味」 http://t.co/A8sFQn6 via @OZPA
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:49:44 from TweetList Pro reply view
  yoshiki0 がーん。EVERNOTEを使ってみようと思ったら、いつものアカウント取られちゃってる。以前、バグが多いと聞いて、長いこと導入してなかったんだけど、アカウントだけでも作っておけば良かったなぁ。
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:48:45 from web reply view
  Amz222 紙上に手書きした文字や図のデータをワンクリックでEvernoteに移すソフトウェアを備えるぺんてる の 'ぺんてる airpenMINI Evernoteカラー限定品 EA3EN1' http://amzn.to/eWXuvv #followmeJP
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:48:27 from twittbot.net reply view
  gizmo_marco Evernote+Spingpad+Delicious+Notificant+Google Calendar+Remember the milk+Read it later = Urge migrar información y desechar servicios
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:47:11 from Socialite.app reply view
  COLTdeGO それでは、 同じくSafariで、 evernote:// と打って開いていただけますか?
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:45:50 from Tweetings reply view
  kuracyan_news [rss] マッコリもソウルな時代だ!!Evernoteマンがまたまた参加!! http://dlvr.it/Qdb96
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:45:10 from dlvr.it reply view
  bmkatz re evernote - highlights the Microsoft fail in making their onenote app unable to hook into the enterprise #focusmobilityrt
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:42:00 from YoruFukurou reply view
  BeckyLehmann @RachaelGerson Cool.. Evernote seems like so much more than I need. I just need a task list and due dates to keep open on my desktop.
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:41:01 from Seesmic Web reply view
  kenzziphone マッコリもソウルな時代だ!!Evernoteマンがまたまた参加!! http://dlvr.it/QdYy7
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:40:09 from dlvr.it reply view
  makefastcashorg RT @androidappsrevw Evernote for Android: Forever a Fanboy http://t.co/gjpNgVr via @androidappsrevw #Evernote #Android #droid #app
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:38:37 from reTweet.it reply view
  mlaforest Nice to see @Flipboard @evernote and @dropbox won! RT @Connetik: Check out @TheWebbyAwards winners - the best of the web: http://ow.ly/4Neo3
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:38:34 from web reply view
  TomMeitner @mattersmind I tend to store all my recipes in Evernote - it's easy to grab them and organize them there.
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:38:34 from HootSuite reply view
  hkanari Evernoteをちゃんと使い始めました。あと、どなたか、ブックマークを一括管理できるサービスを知りませんか。お願いします(;´∀`)
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:37:50 from web reply view
  nkwrightpub Anyone know of and use a good/fast handwriting recognition app for the iPhone? Sync with @evernote is a plus.
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:37:49 from TweetDeck reply view
  nori510 ブログ更新しました - マッコリもソウルな時代だ!!Evernoteマンがまたまた参加!! / http://bit.ly/j8wZFb
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:37:42 from callbacks GoToNumber reply view
  r2_0 @tarzun nachrichtenportale haben alle apps (z.B. spiegel/stern/etc.) Standard:dropbox,skpye, evernote, read it later,shazam, hope it helps;)
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:37:41 from YoruFukurou reply view
  JesseBJr Choping with Staff #fromEvernote http://t.co/dSofNit
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:36:58 from Tweet Button reply view
  KellyAMadison Now on to Evernote with @biggie47 of @RedSkyPR! Yip yip!
Wed, 04 May 2011 18:36:26 from Tweetings reply view

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