木曜日, 5月 05, 2011

Twilert: Evernote OR Airpen (Once 45 minites)

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  your6_6only DropboxとEvernoteの間の子みたいなサービスが欲しい訳で。Dropboxのようにフォルダがあって、そこにファイルを入れたら共有できて、Evernoteのようにタグで管理できる。誰かそんなのを実現する方法、知らない?
Wed, 04 May 2011 23:05:03 from Echofon reply view
  vikingux Evernote syncing is giving us hell. Collaboration not working out. Merge conflicts abound. About to give it up. WTF? #evernote #help
Wed, 04 May 2011 23:04:06 from Twitter for Mac reply view
  __tosh watch @plibin's talk from yesterday's founder conference http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwGP6ad1DAk #evernote
Wed, 04 May 2011 23:03:27 from web reply view
  inafried RT @sylviebarak: RT @harrymccracken Evernote CEO: "The target Evernote user is someone who has a very poor understanding of live/work separation..." << ME :)
Wed, 04 May 2011 23:02:39 from web reply view
  FHSMrDicks RT @WiredFeed: Evernote Shows Startups: 'Free' Can Pay: It might not make sense that you can make money by giving away services... http://bit.ly/j4PAhO
Wed, 04 May 2011 23:02:05 from twitterfeed reply view
  sylviebarak RT @harrymccracken Evernote CEO: "The target Evernote user is someone who has a very poor understanding of live/work separation..." << ME :)
Wed, 04 May 2011 23:01:53 from web reply view
  nettiesbe nettiesbe [Nieuws] Knipseldienst Memonic wordt jouw geheugen: Een afgeslankte Evernote voor wie niet zoveel opti... http://bit.ly/kW8955
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:57:33 from twitterfeed reply view
  primaryfuture @ranajune Tweetbot, Camera+, Evernote, Shazam, Foursquare and Whatsapp in random order!
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:56:14 from web reply view
  newtoncasey @ranajune OmniFocus, Pocket MUNI, TweetBot, Instagram, CardMunch, Beluga, Instapaper, Savage Love, Kindle, Recorder, Chase, Remote, Evernote
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:55:03 from Power Twitter reply view
  mljaz #Freemium : Evernote Shows Startups: 'Free' Can Pay. #cool article. http://bit.ly/lfJwWk #smm #biz #tech #marketing
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:55:01 from TweetDeck reply view
  masakidV 文書整理方法についていろいろ試し中。Evernote、楽2ライブラリ、Acrobatnadなど。。。楽2ライブラリの検索機能、なかなかいいね!
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:54:57 from web reply view
  _hansai_ 某アプリでEvernoteへ画像送信しようとしたら、Posterousってサイトに画像がアップされてしまい、削除するのにえらい手間取った(`皿´) おまけにEvernoteにはPosterousへのURLが送信されてただけとかマジ(ry
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:54:18 from Saezuri reply view
  eringi999 《EverNote》 自分のツイートを毎日丸ごとEvernoteに保存しよう! « Evernote日本語版ブログ http://bit.ly/fEYMLc
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:53:16 from えりんぎ reply view
  ashley_bartlett Ditto. RT @jeremypotvin Holy crap I love Evernote.
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:51:55 from Echofon reply view
  zbutcher RT @skitch We're talking 2 @evernote guys about integration-Keep an eye out! ^CP | Would be rad! @skitch is the best! Huge software crush ;]
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:50:21 from web reply view
  michaelprivat Released Ghostwriter 3.1, my iPad note taking app. Dropbox & Evernote integration. AirPrint and multi-page PDF import. http://bit.ly/g9Z89g
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:49:41 from web reply view
  jeremypotvin Holy crap I love Evernote.
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:49:40 from TweetDeck reply view
  WeallyEasily Le truc bien avec Evernote, c'est qu'il y a l'enregistrement automatique toutes les cinq minutes. Je risque pas de perdre mon chapitre !
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:48:23 from web reply view
  York_inc evernoteのクライアントますます、使いやすくなってた。自分の記憶を簡単に外部化出来る神ツールだな。
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:48:12 from TwitBird reply view
  icandidsoul what would I do without #Evernote?
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:46:37 from TweetDeck reply view
  frogtosser @Greeblemonkey It looks like they are working on adding export to Evernote into Notes Plus. You can email out & to Google Docs.
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:46:15 from Seesmic Desktop reply view
  hubertnguyen RT @harrymccracken: Evernote CEO: "The target Evernote user is someone who has a very poor understanding of live/work separation..."
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:45:25 from web reply view
  marclaedermann RT @WiredFeed: Evernote Shows Startups: 'Free' Can Pay: It might not make sense that you can make money by giving away services... http://bit.ly/j4PAhO
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:44:56 from twitterfeed reply view
  megfowler @Greeblemonkey I'd choose Evernote over most things, though. :)
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:43:25 from Twitter for iPhone reply view
  DreamerPastor "요셉의 채색옷을 입고자 한다면, 그와 똑같이 하나님의 신실한 백성이 되고자 한다면 요셉이 출발한 지점에서 우리도 출발해야 한다. 타락한 인간성 #fromEvernote http://t.co/GxK9SQJ
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:41:40 from Tweet Button reply view
  murphyTweet RT @chingmwu: "Phil's Law" by @Evernote CEO @plibin."The number of things that go wrong will double every yr" #M... http://bit.ly/k9Ggqz
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:41:20 from twitterfeed reply view
  venetiyo EVERNOTEのロゴのゾウ?って、エロ目なんだなぁ、、、
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:40:13 from Twitter for iPhone reply view
  linnix @JSFrier I use outlook's ToDo feature I've used evernote in the past too
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:39:55 from TweetDeck reply view
  luispsousa Cool! http://blog.evernote.com/?p=1333
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:39:29 from Mozilla f1 reply view
  faceofboe @tall_rich starwalk, pocket universe, solarwalk, there are loads of recipe ones (vegweb is great for me), evernote, plants v zombies ;)
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:39:09 from Osfoora HD reply view
  k0usei4649 会長おはよー!有料版いきましょかーRT @KIBOU___: いよいよevernoteの使用頻度が増してきた為フリーでの限界が近づきつつある今日この頃
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:39:08 from SOICHA reply view
  songcast How To Turn Free Into Paid: Lessons From Evernote - @hypebot http://goo.gl/R4JBd
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:36:20 from web reply view
  Greeblemonkey @megfowler Notes Plus better than Evernote?
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:35:28 from web reply view
  S_Lachmann Evernote ist top! #Evernote: das Online-Tool vergisst nichts | bernetblog.ch http://t.co/mqalTy6 via @AddThis
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:34:51 from Tweet Button reply view
  Fenrir_zk あっ 最近Evernote使ってねぇw
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:34:49 from Twil2 (Tweet Anytime, Anywhere by Mail) reply view
  acenolaza Evernote Shows Startups: 'Free' Can Pay | Epicenter | Wired.com http://t.co/WleUvS6
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:34:10 from Tweet Button reply view
  hockyyy もしかして:Evernote使いにくい
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:33:16 from TweetDeck reply view
  innerfamilylife @simplicitypost I am just trying it out. Have used evernote but I do like the #SpringPad UI :o)
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:32:59 from TweetDeck reply view
  ron5reedcp Nozbe Todo for Mac Joins the Productivity Package for GTD Addicts: ... task delegation, comments and Evernote in... http://bit.ly/jeRhqo
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:30:07 from twitterfeed reply view
  ron5reedcp Nozbe Todo for Mac Joins the Productivity Package for GTD Addicts: ... task delegation, comments and Evernote in... http://bit.ly/jeRhqo
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:30:07 from twitterfeed reply view
  joshkocurek Hey @evernote users, any idea why I get this whenever I attach a PDF to a note? http://t.co/tMvyxMo
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:30:05 from Twitter for Mac reply view
  surume102 【本棚登録】『EVERNOTE 基本ワザ&便利ワザ』小山安博 http://bit.ly/ijCnL7 #booklog
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:29:03 from ブクログ(booklog.jp) reply view
  wyfmge うぎゃEvernoteフリーズしたあああああ
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:28:26 from Janetter reply view
  nicolarohrseitz RT @xencircle_k: Here is more: Evernote Shows Startups: 'Free' Can Pay - Wired.com http://t.co/qeEVkcX
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:27:15 from Tweet Button reply view
  jpascualar @alfonsosiloniz creo q el ocr de Evernote es bastante bueno también
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:27:13 from Twitter for iPad reply view
  nicolarohrseitz RT @chingmwu: "Phil's Law" by @Evernote CEO @plibin."The number of things that go wrong will double every yr" #Moore'sLaw +Murphy'sLaw http://t.co/YnWVw98
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:26:11 from Tweet Button reply view
  Vins_T MirenBrowserだとURLもページ内テキストのコピーも簡単にEvernoteでシェア出来ますよ。それ以外の部分でも、Mirenお薦めです。 QT @narushisu2004: AndroidのブラウザーからEvernoteに簡単にクリップができるように~
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:25:59 from twicca reply view
  sanegeek RT @harrymccracken: Evernote CEO: "The target Evernote user is someone who has a very poor understanding of live/work separation..."
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:25:45 from web reply view
  nyaltipla 半月ちょいでevernoteのアップロードmax行ってしまうってことは、B-mobileの1GBプランはやめとくべきだよねぇ
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:23:42 from HootSuite reply view
  dagh @marketingwizdom My god is better than your god! :-) But I really like DevonThink. I use evernote on the web but it is lacking the AI.
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:22:48 from asdf001 reply view
  JimSangwine Just discovered snipplr.com and #Snippets for Mac. No more using #EverNote for storing code and shell snippets : )
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:22:18 from Twitter for Mac reply view
  4ur4ill Вычищаю перед сном от безделья избранное в твиттере. Нужное в evernote, неактуальное нафиг. Удивляюсь, почему иное не ретвитил, так что вот.
Wed, 04 May 2011 22:22:08 from web reply view

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