| | | Search for "Evernote OR Airpen lang:all" (100 new results) Once 45 minites Notice: This scheduled Twilert was delayed in sending because of an issue connecting to Twitter search. | | | | | | | | gokeeper 我用catch,我觉得很赞RT @Chris_Ys: simplenote 比 evernote 功能要弱, 但是用起来舒服, 什么都不用管, title, text, tags, 管敲键盘就是了, 用 evernote 我总想格式化, 高亮啥, 缩进啥, 没效率 Wed, 19 Jan 2011 17:58:21 +0000 from Twitter for iPhone reply view | | | | | disinfeqt RT @Chris_Ys: simplenote 比 evernote 功能要弱, 但是用起来舒服, 什么都不用管, title, text, tags, 管敲键盘就是了, 用 evernote 我总想格式化, 高亮啥, 缩进啥, 没效率 Wed, 19 Jan 2011 17:55:31 +0000 from Twitter for Mac reply view | | | | | Chris_Ys simplenote 比 evernote 功能要弱, 但是用起来舒服, 什么都不用管, title, text, tags, 管敲键盘就是了, 用 evernote 我总想格式化, 高亮啥, 缩进啥, 没效率 Wed, 19 Jan 2011 17:37:42 +0000 from Twitter for Mac reply view | | | | | | | |
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